On February 16th the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) hosted an online session on the question of a global referendum as part of their conference A Planetary Moment
The GVP: a “new old” internet tool for global democracyTogether with Democracy without Borders, the World Parliament Experiment has been working on a Global Voting Platform (GVP).The GVP is an
Michael Weidinger and Rasmus Tenbergen |27.01.2020
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was launched by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2006 and since then annual meetings have been held across the world. This year, Germany
A democratic mandate of the world’s citizensIn a globalized world, national isolation will not help to solve economic, social and certainly not international problems. On the contrary, when global issues
Michael Weidinger |10.05.2017
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