As a world citizen, Didier Coeurnelle is a member of international organizations for global democracy for more than 20 years. He has been actively supporting Democracy Without Borders and the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly. As a “technoprogressist”, Didier is co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), an NGO based in Brussels. Heales publishes a monthly newsletter of information: The Death of Death and organizes international conferences. Didier is a spokesman of the French association Technoprog, which aims to “spread the themes and questions related to technologies that could extend and enhance the lives of individuals and of humankind”. He is also a member of the board of the International Longevity Alliance and member of the Board of Humanity Plus. He is an active member of the social and environmental movement (Ecolo and Groen) and a lawyer specialized in social security. He is born in 1962 and works and lives in Brussels. He published two books: Et si on arrêtait de vieillir (2013) and Technoprog. Le transhumanisme au service du progrès social (with Marc Roux, 2016). Watch a TEDx video here.