Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly receives Good Lobby Award
At an award ceremony last Friday in Brussels the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) that is coordinated by Democracy Without Borders received the 2nd prize in the category
DWB | 16.12.2019
Democratic global governance advocated at events in London
Representatives of Democracy Without Borders (DWB) recently participated in two events in London and used the opportunity to advocate democratic global governance.Battle of IdeasOn 2 November 2019 Andreas Bummel, DWB’s
DWB | 27.11.2019
A Voice for Global Citizens: a UN World Citizens’ Initiative
This report recommends that the United Nations (UN) should develop its democratic legitimacy through the creation of the instrument of a World Citizens’ Initiative (WCI) by which global citizens can
James Organ och Ben Murphy | 26.11.2019
The vision of a World Parliament promoted during global action week
Around United Nations Day on 24th October 2019, the annual global week of a action was celebrated in support of the establishment of a democratic world parliament. Under the slogan
DWB | 01.11.2019
Conference on Cosmic Perspectives and Big History in London
Presentation on global identity and “the other”Democracy Without Borders’ Executive Director Andreas Bummel came to London to speak at a two-day conference titled “Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic
John Vlasto | 25.09.2019
Swiss Senate calls on government to examine UN’s democratic deficit
Approving a proposal by Swiss Senator Daniel Jositsch, the upper chamber of the Swiss Parliament on 13 March 2019 formally called on the Swiss government to make a statement on
DWB | 13.03.2019
Democracy Without Borders Kenya lanserades med brett stöd
Upprättandet av en kenyansk gren av Democracy Without Borders (DWB) möttes av brett stöd i samband med ett lanseringsevent i Nairobi 4 mars 2019.Florence Mutua, ledamot av Kenyas parlament från
DWB | 08.03.2019
En parlamentarisk församling inom FN och IPU
Denna studie undersöker förhållandet mellan den Interparlamentariska unionen (IPU) och den föreslagna parlamentariska församlingen inom FN (UNPA). Den anger huvuddragen hos dessa två organ och ger en bedömning av deras
DWB | 06.02.2019
The Swiss World Federalist Association is now Democracy Without Borders Switzerland
The Association of World Federalists of Switzerland has joined the international organization of Democracy Without Borders (DWB) and renamed itself Democracy Without Borders Switzerland. This was decided at a general
DWB | 11.12.2018
Seminar on “How to Assemble Parliamentary Assemblies”
On 27-28 November 2018 the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) in collaboration with Democracy Without Borders (DWB) hosted an international expert seminar in Brussels entitled “How to Assemble Parliamentary
John Vlasto | 05.12.2018
Debatt om ett världsparlament: “Vi kan inte vänta på nästa katastrof”
Dagen efter FN-dagen, den 25 oktober 2018 arrangerade Demokrati utan gränser tillsammans med Global Challenges Foundation och Institutet för framtidsstudier ett seminarium kring boken A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy
Hans Leander | 30.10.2018
En förnyad världsorganisation för 2000-talet
Diskussionspappret, som följer på publiceringen av boken A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century tidigare i år, beskriver de viktigaste delarna i ett transformerat Förenta Nationerna och
DWB | 29.06.2018
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