Democracy Without Borders

Program Areas

World Federalist Movement Online Conference 2020

24–25 Oct 2020
12:30 CET → Find your local time


This two-day online conference of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM) will discuss the future of this global movement and critical issues on the global agenda.

A special panel with Saskia Sassen, Steven Pinker and Garrett Wallace Brown will reflect on “The Need for a Post-COVID World Order”. On the second day, another panel will look at the issue of artificial intelligence and global governance. Presentations will follow on the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, the Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect, the Campaign for a Latin-American and Carribean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime as well as on the UN2020 campaign, the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly and finally on UN Charter Review.

Check this PDF for more details and registration

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