In 2022, the UN will adopt a high-level declaration on the environment on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the landmark the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the environment. This text needs to be as ambitious as possible to be a game-changer.
On October 20 and 21, 2021, world-renowned scientists, economists, lawyers, and diplomats will debate solutions to the environmental crisis and what the 2022 Declaration should include to help solve it.
The discussions will culminate in the adoption of a civil society declaration that will express expectations regarding the UN resolution.
- Day 1: Four roundtables will gather leading authorities on climate science, law, economics, and institutions. These different perspectives will bring together comprehensive solutions for the environmental crisis.
- Day 2: Several rounds of discussions will include influential activists, youth and elder representatives, lawyers, scientists, businesses, indigenous people spokespersons, economists, and many others.
The Stockholm+49 Summit is a free event. It will be streamed on YouTube and Facebook. Weblinks will be made available on October 18, 2021. Democracy Without Borders is one of the event partners.