This year the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a series of more than 20 most interesting online panels that take place from February 15-19 under the theme “A Planetary Moment”. Find the full program and links to join here.
One of the panels, scheduled on February 16, is dealing with the idea of a global referendum. The event is described as follows: Ten years ago WAAS recognized the need for establishing a global virtual platform to foster emergence of a shared global social consciousness to serve as a practical means for giving voice to the views of “we the people” and to eventually serve as an instrument for conducting formal or informal global referendums and other forms of liquid democracy. This session will explore strategies, potential partnerships, organizational structure, financing and other essential requirements for giving concrete shape to this idea.
The event features eight panelists, among them Andreas Bummel, the Executive Director of Democracy Without Borders (DWB), and a WAAS fellow. DWB has a team that is working on a Global Voting Platform and DWB serves as Co-Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN World Citizens’ Initiative advocating for the creation of a participative instrument at the United Nations.