Global People’s Assembly richtet Forderungen an UN-Mitgliedsstaaten
Während sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs in New York zur jährlichen Generaldebatte der Vereinten Nationen treffen, veranstaltete Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) drei Tage lang eine alternative Online-Veranstaltung,
DWB | 23.09.2022
Abgeordnete aus über 40 Ländern wollen demokratische UNO
In einer am Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2022, veröffentlichten Erklärung fordern über 120 Abgeordnete aus mehr als 40 Ländern und sechs Kontinenten die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Mitgliedstaaten auf, den „demokratischen
DWB | 26.01.2022
Virtual assembly adopts declaration, addresses demands to the UN
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) hosted an online Global People’s Assembly from 21 to 23 September 2021, in parallel to a high-level segment of the UN General Assembly
George Blundell | 19.10.2021
Groups say inclusive UN remains on the agenda after UN chief’s report
On Friday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres unveiled a much anticipated report titled “Our Common Agenda” which outlines plans for strengthening multilateralism and the United Nations, among other things. The document
DWB | 13.09.2021
Expert report urges governments to make the UN more democratic
The UN’s independent expert on the promotion of a democratic international order, Livingstone Sewanyana, urges the UN’s member states to establish the office of a high-level civil society envoy, the
DWB | 08.09.2021
Proposals for a more democratic UN broached at Gwangju Democracy Forum
Civil society statement and UN75 On May 20th, Democracy Without Borders hosted a fruitful online session at this year’s Gwangju Democracy Forum in collaboration with Democracy International, CIVICUS, Together First
Amy Oloo | 27.05.2021
Appell an die UNO: Allianz der Zivil­gesellschaft will mehr Demokratie
Anlässlich des internationalen Tages für Multilateralismus am 24. April hat eine Gruppe von über 100 zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen ein gemeinsames Statement veröffentlicht und die Vereinten Nationen aufgefordert, sich zu öffnen und
DWB | 24.04.2021
Panel explores a global referendum: a voice for humanity?
On February 16th the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) hosted an online session on the question of a global referendum as part of their conference A Planetary Moment
Michael Weidinger | 17.02.2021
Three proposals to create a UN that listens
The UN was conceived as a ground-breaking experiment in global cooperation and people-centred multilateralism. Born out of the ashes of the Second World War, its Charter outlines four lofty aspirations in the
Lysa John und Mandeep Tiwana | 20.01.2021
Citizens believe in international cooperation, want the UN to innovate
UN consulted citizens in the course of 2020 In a global consultation carried out by the United Nations in the course of the previous year, citizens worldwide have overwhelmingly expressed
DWB | 12.01.2021
A World Citizens’ Initiative as a tool to strengthen global movements
At an online discussion hosted by Democracy International on the occasion of the 2020 Global Online Forum on Modern Direct Democracy and the United Nations’ 75th anniversary that was commemorated
DWB | 22.12.2020
European progressive foundations want a more democratic UN
In a joint report published last week, a group of seven European think tanks led by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Italian Istituto Affari Internazionali recommends
Jessica Seiler | 23.09.2020
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