G20 countries should pursue democratic improvement of UN: policy brief
A policy brief by the T20 engagement group recommends that the G20 and like-minded G20 members initiate intergovernmental negotiations on a UN Parliamentary Assembly and a UN World Citizens’ Initiative.
DWB | 15.05.2023
Civil society forum considers proposals for global change
More than one hundred civil society representatives and experts met in New York and online last week at the Global Futures Forum to consider what policies and changes are needed
DWB | 29.03.2023
Need of global governance reforms stressed at events in Europe and India
Reforming the United Nations and global governance was a subject at events in Brussels, Berlin, Madrid and Rennes in Europe as well as in Lucknow, India, in the past weeks.
DWB | 13.12.2022
Malaysian foreign minister supports a new UN Parliamentary Assembly
In an article published today in the Malaysian newspaper Sinar Harian, the Foreign Minister of Malaysia, Saifuddin bin Abdullah, expressed his support for the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary
DWB | 14.10.2022
Global People’s Assembly addresses demands to UN member states
While heads of states and governments meet in New York for the annual general debate of the United Nations, Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) hosted an alternative online
DWB | 23.09.2022
Lawmakers from over 40 countries call for an inclusive and democratic UN
In a statement published on Wednesday, 26 January 2022, over 120 sitting parliamentarians from more than 40 countries and six continents call on the United Nations and its member governments
DWB | 26.01.2022
Virtual assembly adopts declaration, addresses demands to the UN
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) hosted an online Global People’s Assembly from 21 to 23 September 2021, in parallel to a high-level segment of the UN General Assembly
George Blundell | 19.10.2021
Join the Week for World Parliament in October
Join this year’s Week for World Parliament from October 21-28 2021 and support the call for the establishment of a world parliament that will give representation and political power to
Petter Ölmunger | 29.09.2021
Groups say inclusive UN remains on the agenda after UN chief’s report
On Friday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres unveiled a much anticipated report titled “Our Common Agenda” which outlines plans for strengthening multilateralism and the United Nations, among other things. The document
DWB | 13.09.2021
Expert report urges governments to make the UN more democratic
The UN’s independent expert on the promotion of a democratic international order, Livingstone Sewanyana, urges the UN’s member states to establish the office of a high-level civil society envoy, the
DWB | 08.09.2021
New climate report strengthens case for effective global governance
The climate is changing now and affecting all parts of the world in multiple ways, and it will get much worse if we do not take urgent action. On 9
Arthur Lyon Dahl | 11.08.2021
Want democracy to win President Biden? Start at the United Nations
In his foreign policy pronouncements since Inauguration Day, President Joe Biden has put forth what, if no one has done so already, we might as well call “The Biden Doctrine.”
Tad Daley | 27.07.2021
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