UN panel silent on citizen participation and representation
A report presented by the UN’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, or HLAB, does not consider how to improve citizen participation and representation
DWB | 27.04.2023
Civil society forum considers proposals for global change
More than one hundred civil society representatives and experts met in New York and online last week at the Global Futures Forum to consider what policies and changes are needed
DWB | 29.03.2023
Civil society to gather in New York for Global Futures Forum
Civil society representatives will meet in New York in March 2023 to discuss joint recommendations for tackling global challenges and reforming global governance
DWB | 16.02.2023
Need of global governance reforms stressed at events in Europe and India
Reforming the United Nations and global governance was a subject at events in Brussels, Berlin, Madrid and Rennes in Europe as well as in Lucknow, India, in the past weeks.
DWB | 13.12.2022
Democratizing global financial institutions to benefit those most in need
“The Bretton Woods institutions,” said Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados, at this year’s UN General Debate, “no longer serve the purpose in the 21st century that they served
Valentin Lang | 03.11.2022
International survey: Citizens want a stronger and more democratic UN
A 2019 survey in Argentina, China, India, Russia, Spain, and the United States revealed that citizens overall support strengthening or maintaining the authority of the UN and making it more democratic
Farsan Ghassim | 22.09.2022
As global progress declines, UN moves Summit of the Future to 2024
The UN General Assembly in New York decided today that a “Summit of the Future” shall be convened in New York in September 2024 to adopt a “Pact for the
DWB | 08.09.2022
Disagreements on reforming the UN Security Council continue
The recent round of inter-governmental negotiations on UN Security Council reform ended in New York on 12th July 2022 with an “oral decision” of the UN General Assembly to “immediately”
Jebilson Raja Joslin | 06.09.2022
What will the world make of the UN Summit of the Future in 2023?
In this piece the authors provide an overview of Stimson Center’s new report “Road to 2023: Our Common Agenda and the Pact for the Future” and argue that the UN requires far-reaching changes
Richard Ponzio and Nudhara Yusuf | 04.07.2022
A UN Emergency Peace Service as a global first-responder
Peter Langille suggests the UNEPS would be a permanent, integrated and multifunctional UN force. Highly trained, well-equipped and ready for immediate deployment once authorized by the Security Council.
Peter Langille | 24.05.2022
The new UN resolution on Security Council vetoes has no teeth
How to reform the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been discussed and debated for more than four decades, but it has recently regained new traction following the UNSC’s failure
Teh Zi Yee | 18.05.2022
UN: General Assembly shifts power balance, will debate future vetoes
In a landmark resolution adopted today, the UN General Assembly decided that it will convene for a formal meeting each time one or more permanent members of the Security Council
DWB | 26.04.2022
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